
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

love you friendship quotes

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  • p0intblank
    Sep 12, 08:23 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update

    The store will probably go down within an hour before Steve's keynote. I'm guessing the iTunes Music Store is down this early because this update takes a lot longer than the Web site.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 26, 09:04 AM
    This guy was more than capable of defending himself...

    If you have nothing to add to the discussion, don't post. Your act is wearing thin.

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  • pudrums
    Apr 8, 03:30 AM
    @SPEEDwithJJ: Watch the Family Guy episode "New Kidney in Town" and you'll know :D

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  • rerelease
    Apr 25, 02:57 PM
    I actually really dislike the borderless look. I hope they don't do this. A larger screen is one thing I really don't need. If I want a big screen, I'll get an iPad.

    Same here. It's completely unwarranted, there's virtually no space to be gained and it looks aesthetically weaker compared to the iPhone 4.


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  • dejo
    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I want to accomplish dejo.
    Good. Now we're getting somewhere.

    Please, enlighten me .. what is the difference between the countdown-timer and NSTimer?
    Let me ask you this: what do you think the difference is?

    I though you must use NSTimer to get a countdown or count up timer.
    Using an NSTimer is certainly a common approach to the problem of modeling a countdown timer, but it's certainly not the only one. Because the timer is tied to the main run loop, it is not guaranteed to actually fire every second (in your case). In that case, perhaps the use of NSDate to keep track of seconds elapsed would be a better approach.

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  • swy32x
    Sep 8, 09:45 AM

    What about Madonna being there? What a stupid skank. What an absolute, no-talent whore, wannabe religious wack job.

    She annoys me with all her whining and she is no good at what she does ...


    Replace Madonna with Kanye and that is exactly how you guys sound ...


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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 14, 01:52 AM
    So, on the left side of the above linked page it says they're $120 and on the right side of the same page it says they're $140! So, which is it?Shipping is $20 on the right side they have all ready added it in. on the white set it says $120 on left and right, but if you notice it also says for local pick up. It's only when you hit the shipping tab that you can set it from local pick up to UPS ground. After that, both the white set and the black set are $140 after shipping. No Tax.

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  • Pressure
    Oct 19, 10:23 AM
    Aye, international numbers would be good to see.

    Good news for Apple :)


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  • poundsmack
    Nov 17, 06:07 AM
    As I would imagine I am willing to be that Apple and Intel have come sort of legal contract saying that apple can NOT use an AMD (or VIA or Transmeta, etc...) processor. That wouldnt pusprise me in the least. infact its just good business....but then again i could be wrong

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  • glocke12
    May 4, 07:22 PM
    My girlfriend is Chinese and she just doesn't understand our obsession with guns (understandably so). I don't either!

    What are people so afraid of that they need guns to protect themselves from?

    The founders of this country gave us the second amendment as a means to protect the citizens from a totalitarian gov't.

    Guns tamed the eastern US and won the wild, wild, west. They are a part of our culture and history like it or not.

    In every day use people use guns to defend themselves against home invasions, and protect us from those who like to prey on others.

    I'm a gun person, I own "many" firearms and I have many reasons for owning them that range from historical interest, to an interest from an engineering perspective, and some I have because I thought they just looked cool (note: self defense purposely left out).


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  • amols
    Sep 25, 02:36 PM
    Really a great update for a great product. And now even Mac Mini Solo has a supported configuration. I can't believe Apple has improved so many things for no update price. I also can't believe so many negative ratings. Those waiting for new MBPs, check out next MS event or E3 or never know :D .

    I love my MBP more than ever now :D :D

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 10:19 AM
    You're not a skinny girl. Being attacked like that typically puts one into a state of shock especially if one doesn't have the fight/flight response of a typical male.

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    That's nice. IMO, your opinions are worthless. You're just looking to stir **** up. As I said, your act is wearing thin.

    I bolded a key word in your quote. IMO

    I'm not looking to stir anything up, so stop insinuating.

    Just because I have a different opinion from you doesn't justify your annoying statement, "your act is wearing thin"

    Really guy? I could care less about what you think so stop -__-


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  • flopticalcube
    Nov 26, 04:37 PM
    Printer shipped! Woohoo! :)

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  • fluidedge
    Jan 9, 06:05 AM
    I think it's more likely to be called iTunes 8 rather than iTunes 7.6 isn't it?

    iTunes 8 with a new 'movie theater' interface type thing for watching movie rentals


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  • prady16
    Oct 17, 10:15 AM
    I had already posted this on my blog a couple of months back:

    Analysis of the pros and cons of Blue-ray vs HD-DVD reveals that Blue-Ray disks have higher capacity (about 50GB), are more expensive, and blue-ray players can burn disks. On the other hand HD-DVD is comparitively cheaper, little less capacity (about 40GB), but cannot be burnt by commercial players.

    Hence, I belive that the cheaper HD-DVD disks would be used instead of the traditional DVDs for distributing movies, games, music and other such applications. Whereas the Blue-Ray disks would be used majorly for storing data off a computer in a home or office setting. So, in the future laptops would come equipped with Blue-Ray drives and home theater systems would come equipped with HD-DVD players.

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  • wiz7dome
    Aug 15, 12:16 PM
    I just bought the 23 inch several days ago. My serial is 2A6251XXXXXX and it shows up with a june 2006 production date. Like the earlier poster, it is very bright and I also turned it down a little. I also turned the color down to Thousands instead of Millions as a psychological trick for when i need it. Now after reading the pink hue replies (which i totally forgot about) I can't tell if i have a pinkish hue or if its my own paranoia.

    1. Does anyone have a pic or example of the Pinkish hue?

    2. Is there a way to test or tell which 23" model you have?l


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  • countrydweller
    Jul 21, 09:28 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.

    We do? You've tested them all?

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  • andrewbecks
    May 2, 08:55 PM
    Really its not brain surgery.

    Windows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, XP (5.0), Vista (6.0), Windows 7 (7.0).

    Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I believe that Windows 7 is actually version 6.1.

    v1: Windows 1.0
    v2: Windows 2.0
    v3: Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.1
    v4: Windows 95 (4.0.x), Windows NT 4 (also 4.0.x), Windows 98 (4.1.x), Windows ME (4.9)
    v5: Windows 2000 (5.0.x), Windows XP (5.1.x), Windows XP 64-bit (5.2.x)
    v6: Windows Vista (6.0.x), Windows 7 (6.1.x)

    Don't ask me why--seems a bit illogical to me. Especially since, at some point, they'll likely have a v7.x and it will likely create additional confusion.

    Wikipedia has a little more detail on this:
    There has been some confusion over naming the product Windows 7, while versioning it as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility with applications that only check major version numbers, similar to Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 4, 03:43 AM
    Two things I would love:
    2: Octo-core Mac Pros BEFORE this happens! Like, you know, late october, early novemberish...

    I'm a dreamer :)Clovertown doesn't ship until November so I'm thinking Apple could add a BTO option for them +$800 for Dual Quad 2.33GHz Clovertowns in December without rocking too many boats. Then the choice will be between 4 fast 3GHz cores (12GHz) or 8 slower 2.33GHz cores (18.64GHz) for the same $3,300.

    FYI Each of those processors are priced precisely the same $851 - in case you thought 8 cores were going to cost more. They won't.

    Apr 6, 11:09 PM
    I'm gonna have to try this.


    ....i knew i should have stopped at harris teeter after the bank.....

    Mar 25, 10:27 AM
    The only problem with these comments is that vista did not suck. Running it on boot camp was a great experience and almost had me switching to it full-time. Running windows 7 on boot camp HAS done that for me at least at work, although I still prefer some of what vista had to offer.

    The dock could never dream of being what the superbar is though, and that's almost enough.

    No Vista didn't suck... it blew! "It's Megamaid sir... she's gone from suck to blow."

    The features that were nice additions to Windows in Vista were all... well, things we already had in OSX for years! Without the bugs, hang ups, crashes, resource hogging... Just saying. Win7 is what Vista should have been and wasn't. And while there's nothing innovative or original in Win7, it is probably the best version Microsuck has put out there.

    More interesting to me though, where do Apple and Microsoft go next? Lion's new features are nice, but not ground breaking "I'll die if I don't have that!" features. Less is looking to be more these days.

    Oct 20, 05:51 PM
    Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).

    Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...

    P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.

    Yes I know it is risky. But my Margin Equity is 53% and I can not see it going down any time soon.

    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before, with the sliders... :(

    Apr 3, 08:42 PM
    Can't the police get a warrant for the IP address? I think if they have a warrant above their heads they might "find" a IP address. All the information they get from a xbox or 360 that gets on XBL they HAVE to know the IP.

    Well, I guess Microsoft thinks they are above the law (what else is new) and claims they don't have to give out the info to anyone. I'm not sure if the cops are able to get a suppena for Microsoft's info.

    This post is on Digg, we are trying to get some attention from Microsoft. If you have a account, Digg it!

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