
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

mandy moore walk to remember

mandy moore walk to remember. mandy moore walk to remember.
  • mandy moore walk to remember.

  • Popeye206
    May 4, 07:51 AM
    There is a big difference between paying more for service that costs the carriers more and paying for a service/feature that doesn't cost the carriers everything.

    America is HUGE compared to Hong Kong to Europe so it costs the carriers far more to get coverage.

    What people seem to not get is that the "greedy carriers" are always under pressure to expand. Give better coverage. Faster connections like 4G and so forth. And they need to do this in a market where competition keeps driving the revenue down. So, as consumers, we want them to spend more and make less to give us reliable, fast service everywhere we go. On top of this, technologies on the internet are quickly eating away at their market. So many ways to communicate now it's eating away at their bottom line.

    So, the U.S.carriers are doing everything they can to get what they can to help support this. They are a business, and need to make money for their shareholders and so they can stay alive.

    Not saying I think it's right that they charge more for tethering, but it is what it is. They've been doing it for years and they're soaking it. But it does not mean it should not change.

    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy Moore Takes lt;igt;A Walk to
  • Mandy Moore Takes lt;igt;A Walk to

  • ohyeahwtvr
    Apr 4, 10:37 AM
    oh, and if the internet provider is giving you the run-around.

    go here, type in the IP address and it'll tell you exactly where the server is that they are connected to. It gives you the IP latitude and IP longitutde.

    tell them that it is being connected at this server location and they'll be able to location exactly which hub it's being connected at and .. yea. trace the burgulars home down..

    mandy moore walk to remember. Style Icon: Mandy Moore
  • Style Icon: Mandy Moore

  • Whistleway
    Oct 11, 07:54 PM
    I am pretty sure Apple has to refresh its iPod line for holiday sales or it is bye-bye stock prices and holiday sales.

    The question is what will or can they do by november 14th. And it is very unlikely that it will be large video iPod. Heck, Zune has the same resolution as the iPod and i am not sure what the big deal is. It is not like adding 1" or 2" will make it all the better.

    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy Moore in A Walk To
  • Mandy Moore in A Walk To

  • superfula
    Apr 29, 04:34 PM
    System Preferences sorted alphabetically has been around for awhile now. If I recall correctly, I think I even remember it in Tiger. Not sure about anything before that.

    They are currently sorted into the four categories first, and then alphabetically in those categories. It seems Lion is throwing everything together and doing away with categories

    mandy moore walk to remember. Still of Mandy Moore and Shane
  • Still of Mandy Moore and Shane

  • samcraig
    May 2, 11:10 AM
    You might get your facts right, too. This has nothing to do with Data Roaming. And I have been in foreign countries enough to know this fact.

    Did you read my post?

    My point is - that if the switch to turn off Data Roaming was the one that failed, people wouldn't be divided. I think pretty much everyone would point the finger at Apple for it's failure to QA the "off switch"

    The Location Services on/off switch did not work. Period. And yet people want to make this about people not reading the EULA.

    Maybe you missed when I wrote "IF" in that sentence?

    ETA: you changed your post. The point is the same. Read above. The OS had "bugs". They are being fixed. That's important. Apple "promised" via the EULA that the location services could be turned off. It doesn't matter whether the data collected is useful or not. What matters is if they offer a way to turn it off, it should turn off. It didn't.

    The analogy is correct. Some might consider their personal data of value - just like money is.

    mandy moore walk to remember. The quot;A Walk to Rememberquot;
  • The quot;A Walk to Rememberquot;

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 02:02 AM
    It's very hard to take anyone seriously who believes in fairy tales like karma.


    mandy moore walk to remember. I remember it being a hit when
  • I remember it being a hit when

  • langis.elbasunu
    Mar 17, 11:29 AM
    I would just like people to know a few things about me:

    I'm an Indian Shaman and a King

    I had coffee this morning

    I'm sick of NYC and the scalpers

    My P is about 3 inches (from the ground)

    I wrote Jobs an email for free **** because I can't wait for shipping

    I was raised in the everybody wins society by useless parents

    I hate everyone that has an iPad 2 right now

    Did I mention the NYC scalpers?

    I love useless threads on MacRumors

    I'm entitled to whatever I want as long as I say so

    There I think I covered just about every useless thread this place has seen lately. :D

    you forgot to bash the xoom

    mandy moore walk to remember. a walk to remember moore
  • a walk to remember moore

  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 29, 03:12 PM
    That iCal is kinda annoying.

    mandy moore walk to remember. starring Mandy Moore
  • starring Mandy Moore

  • MikeTheC
    Jan 9, 01:48 AM
    *takes several fist-fulls of "Force Steroids"*

    *casts Jedi Mind Trick on Steve Jobs*

    Mac mini:

    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy Moore
  • Mandy Moore

  • nsayer
    Jul 21, 05:27 PM
    It creates a constant -24dbm drop.

    *TWEEEEEEET* Illegal use of units. 5 yard penalty. Repeat first down.

    dB is a ratio unit, usable in the context of "...a 24 dB drop." dBm is an absolute unit - dB up from a milliwatt.

    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy in #39;A Walk to Remember#39;
  • Mandy in #39;A Walk to Remember#39;

  • zep1977
    Mar 24, 03:24 PM
    Time really flies.

    I remember walking into the local CompUSA and picking up my copy. They had them stuffed in the back corner along with one G4 that wasn't even working along with it's broken CD drive cover.

    Amazing how the times have changed since then.

    Looking forward to the next 10 years of the Mac OS.


    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy at 15.
  • Mandy at 15.

  • skunk
    Apr 22, 12:27 PM
    To me, the whole idea is completely redundant.

    mandy moore walk to remember. in (A Walk to Remember,
  • in (A Walk to Remember,

  • Geckotek
    Jan 4, 01:20 PM
    It's January 4th and no sign of the Verizon iPhone. Oh well, there's always next year.

    And why does no iPhone on Jan 4th mean nothing for the rest of 2011??

    mandy moore walk to remember. mandy moore movies
  • mandy moore movies

  • ritmomundo
    Mar 18, 07:35 PM
    Thats the point though! If it was just comparing features or commenting then that would be fine, it just flat out rudeness and is totally unprovoked. I was just minding my own damn business and then some of these people come out with this nonsense.

    Comments like, "oh you so you have an iPhone, my XYZ is better because of this", "you paid �500 for a phone you need a case to use", "you're in a closed platform that is inferior in every way", "you paid more money for a shiny apple logo". Its comments like these that are totally unprovoked which irk me.

    By no means am I saying that someone can't have their own opinion, but theres no need to be rude about it. The person that posted below you pretty much summed it up.

    I agree with you on this- the comments were definitely rude.

    But I still don't think you get my point (and this includes the guy who posted below my previous post). That it doesn't mean that the other person is jealous of you. Its this attitude that irks me. And its this very attitude that so many "fanboys" share. Why in the world would someone be JEALOUS of you because you have a $200-$300 phone or even a $1500 computer?!? And because you think others envy you for it, you end up placing extraordinary value on everyday material things. I mean, seriously, is this what you use to define your status in society, what kind of phone you carry? Are you really that shallow and materialistic? I honestly feel pity for you.

    To the other poster. You were jealous of (or "hated") those who had iphones until you got one for yourself. Now you believe that everyone around you is jealous of you.

    I understand, you buy something trendy, and it makes you feel good. Thats great, I'm not arguing with that, because you should enjoy everything you have. But its this faux sense of superiority that comes with it, that makes you believe that others are envious of you because you bought this gadget. Its not like you've won the Nobel prize or even drive a Bugatti Veyron, that would make someone want what you have. No, you bought a phone. A phone that lots of people already have. A phone that my housekeeper's 11 year old son has. And any Joe Schmoe can walk into any Apple store/Walmart/Best Buy and pick one up. And when the new model comes out, you'll buy that as well, because you're chronically unsatisfied with what you have, and somehow, you feel that owning this will raise you up above the rest of society. It is people with attitudes like this (the attitude of the fanboy) that Apple capitalizes on.

    Take this as a life lesson -- set your goals higher. Don't be envious of the guy with the cooler phone.

    mandy moore walk to remember. Walk to Remember: 70 icons
  • Walk to Remember: 70 icons

  • SirROM
    Sep 12, 01:16 AM
    I had a thought about what would drive people to purchase movies from Apple in droves and totally fsck the other studios, making them BEG the Steve to let them play in his sandbox:

    Disney allows Apple to release movies BEFORE they are released on DVD, similar to what they have done a couple of time with music tracks. Imagine being able to have a copy of the recent Pirates movies a week or two before it can be bought with packaging. If the quality were good enough, people would probably be willing to forgo the packaging itself and pay an "early-adopter" fee of $14.99 just for the bragging rights. The media would be all over this and it would be seen as yet another Apple coup in Hollywood. After all, Walmart and Blockbuster would join Ballmer in throwing chairs because of the money they would start losing when people didn't buy or rent DVDs from them and they couldn't do anything about it for a couple of weeks. "Hey Walmart! Wanna play dirty? I'll show you dirty..."

    I'll bet Steve has some other plan like this or similar in mind so this doesn't come off looking weak and like he lost against the studios.

    mandy moore walk to remember. Mandy Moore,A Walk To Remember
  • Mandy Moore,A Walk To Remember

  • vendettabass
    Nov 16, 04:23 PM
    uk store down too.. my moneys on maintenence

    mandy moore walk to remember. the “A Walk to Remember”
  • the “A Walk to Remember”

  • techfreak85
    Apr 21, 09:35 PM
    I don't see the ability to vote down posts ending well. I think that a "Thanks" system would be much, much better.

    mandy moore walk to remember. shane west and mandy moore
  • shane west and mandy moore

  • La Porta
    Mar 25, 07:02 AM
    I remember, I was so excited for this to arrive all day at school. I was a 17 year-old high school senior, just itching to get out of class because I knew the package would arrive that day. I had been running OS X Public Beta on my iMac DV SE and was ready for the real thing! Little did I know that, as far as I go, the "real thing" came with 10.2 on my next LCD iMac!

    mandy moore walk to remember. A walk to remember
  • A walk to remember

  • miamialley
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM

    Dec 14, 07:45 AM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Oh you mean the problem they have actually done nothing about (other than a perceptual one to show weak signal strength more accurately) and yet the iPhone 4 doesn't seem to have any such issue now?

    UnReel ATX
    Apr 6, 12:28 PM
    These :] time to get ******.

    Apr 22, 12:07 PM
    Excuse me if this was already suggested:

    Perhaps allow a post that receives a certain number of dislikes to be "hidden" from a general view unless someone decides to view it by clicking on a link.

    Similar to how a moderator can you a deleted post, but for the general public.

    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    Sep 12, 03:00 AM
    Zealund?? :confused:


    Damn! I thought I was quick enough.

    I originally had "Noo Zulund" but edited it back, missed the second u, changed it again - not quick enough.

    Mind you, your quote of me wasn't quite quick enough, it's spelt correctly there.

    Sep 8, 07:54 PM
    kanye west can kiss my ass.....hes a whinny little bitch....

    I disagree,

    I agree with Kanye West when he said that George Bush doesn't care about black people...I agree with Kanye West when he said "F the Police"

    As for all the people on here that think Kanye West "sucks" well that's your opinion, it seems like this site is home to a lot of metal heads...So I don't doubt that a lot of peeps on here think he sucks. Try going to the music discussion and say "metallica sucks" people would freak out..

    It was odd that the F bombs were thrown out so casually, yet he censored himself with the N word..."she aint messin with no Broke...."

    Why would he do that?

    First of all hip hop is hard to pull off live.. it just is. I thought the sound for his performance was terrible. To his credit I though Kanye rose to the occasion and did the best with what he had...

    His new album is the best thing to happen to hip hop in years. Seriously, go listen to may stray from your head bangin ways...or not

    was it a little awkward ya, but did it suck? no.

    At least it wasn't Madonna..or Metallica....THEY suck! :eek: Feel free to freak out...

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