
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

orange background images

orange background images. Orange Background Images
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  • rovex
    Mar 19, 05:21 PM
    I don't know of many people who buy a �500 iPhone outright. Most (Especially in the UK) will be on a 18-24 month contract.

    But what's the difference when you will end up paying much more than the full price in the future?

    For pay as you go people like me buying the phone outright is the much cheaper option in the long run.

    orange background images. Bright Orange Background
  • Bright Orange Background

  • Ugg
    Apr 15, 07:06 PM
    What is Gay History? History, while interesting, has always struck me as unimportant in educating Children for essential workforce skills. Leave history for Colleges or elective courses.

    Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a more freaky Orwellian comment on this forum. Is the only point of education to create little drones for the military-industrial complex?

    People who have made history have just been people and gay or straight have never come into it. What does it matter? A stand alone class in college on "gay studies" I would have no problem with. The requirement in public schools to teach gay history is bit absurd.

    Those who are gay and feel as if they've been wronged, I feel for them and effort to make it right, but the level of suffering by gay is nothing compared to what black people or women have endured over the centuries. It bothers me a little when gay suffrage is pitted against something like slavery. Just not the same, IMO.

    Unless I'm mistaken, gay people can be black, they can also be women, they can also have been slaves. I'm sure there were plenty of gay Chinese who suffered under the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ( Gosh! There might even have been gay slave owners! Or even gay industrialists!

    Why is it so wrong to bring the subject up? The entire point of the law is to include it in the relevant subject matter, not to make it an independent class.

    You've always been reasonably level headed about such issues, so I can only assume that you were in a hurry and didn't read the article. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

    orange background images. ORANGE BACKGROUND.

  • ranReloaded
    Mar 26, 02:28 AM
    Just by chance (I didn't realize it was OS X's birthday today), last night I wrote a blog post: '10 reasons OS X is better than Windows' ( The timing seems spookily appropriate.

    You must have had a hard time picking only the top 10 out of 10,000,000 :D

    orange background images. Orange Desktop Background
  • Orange Desktop Background

  • starflyer
    Mar 24, 08:40 PM
    Found it.


    orange background images. Orange Background Wallpaper.
  • Orange Background Wallpaper.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 08:45 AM
    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    Not possible.

    But yes, we aren't there yet. :P

    orange background images. on orange background.
  • on orange background.

  • tophergt
    Oct 19, 10:09 AM
    Do you believe that the perpetual delay of Microsoft's Vista OS is allowing Apple to temporarily grab up some of the markey share? I'm not saying that people who would otherwise purchase a Wintel machine are switching to Mac because Vista is not out, but rather that some percentage are waiting to buy their new Core2Duo machine (or other upgrade to their current box) until they can get an full release version of Vista preinstalled on it.

    Just a conjecture, but I thought it was worth considering. I suppose we'll find out in the first two quarters of 2007 when Microsoft decides that they're ready to release that bad boy on the world . . .

    [JDOG, your post came in while I was still typing mine . . . sorry for the repeat]


    orange background images. wave on orange background
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  • raster
    Mar 24, 05:09 PM
    My Mac Geek Friend, Dylan's B-day is today too...
    What a coincidence...

    orange background images. on an orange background,
  • on an orange background,

  • Starship77
    May 3, 10:43 PM
    Pity I can't buy the product.

    Why are Apple spending so much money on advertising when they can't even keep up with demand? Makes no sense.

    Because they want to continue not being able to keep up with the demand for more time... ;)


    orange background images. Orange background
  • Orange background

  • AussieScozza
    Sep 12, 06:12 AM
    With all due respect Sunfast. You are getting excited about a team I suspect will leave Australia with little more than suntans. The urn will not take much to reclaim my friend. Hardly an Apple upstager. Maybe in the near future you can watch each English loss on your new widescreen iPod.

    orange background images. Abstract Orange background
  • Abstract Orange background

  • Stella
    Jul 21, 09:21 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.


    orange background images. Bloody Orange Background
  • Bloody Orange Background

  • 0815
    Apr 25, 12:24 PM
    Would love a larger screen if they can maintain the same body size. I have no interest in something like the giant PDA-sized Android phones.

    I'm fine with the current screen - but wouldn't mind a bigger one, as long (as you said) the phone does not get any bigger. I don't want a phone that does not comfortable fit in my back pocket or any other small pocket I might have.

    orange background images. Red Bow On Orange Background
  • Red Bow On Orange Background

  • Unorthodox
    Oct 28, 04:04 PM
    "It's mine and you can't have it, with you I will not share it, cause if I share it with you, you'll have it to!"
    Thats Apple's theme song.


    orange background images. on an orange background
  • on an orange background

  • breadesign
    Jan 15, 05:05 PM
    Still. No. Flash. On. My. Iphone.

    W. T. F??!

    ... oh yes forgot that... another strike!

    orange background images. chip on orange background.
  • chip on orange background.

  • solvs
    Jan 15, 01:33 AM
    Blogging isn't journalism,
    No, but there are some who are trying to be taken seriously. They had a press pass. As has been repeated multiple times, this hurts the entire blogging industry (and it is an industry) who cover things as journalists. This isn't some old lady down the street, this is a tech blog that's a business itself that has been built up over the years in an attempt to be taken seriously and get press access to just events and products to test for their articles. That's all been destroyed with one stupid act, which they're now trying to turn into an act of defiance. They made some interesting points in the last spiel, but it doesn't change the fact that if they want to be taken seriously, and they claim to want to be, at least more than those who are bought or don't ask the tough questions, this isn't going to help.

    So when they do try to post something serious, and they have, is it any wonder if we won't trust them or believe them, or even care?


    orange background images. Orange background and stars
  • Orange background and stars

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 07:36 PM
    I'm a current employee at Best Buy and thought I'd offer my two cents on a few issues.

    First, I don't really like Best Buy. I got a job there to work for around 4 hours a week to get the generous discount. It's particularly generous when dealing with open-box items. Even so, I am miserable leading up to heading in and I do not enjoy the time that I spend there. Thankfully, I have a good full-time job plus a lot of side work and I'm planning on quitting in the next month or so as the thrill of the discount has long worn off.

    That said, I have no problem being very open and honest about Best Buy and my experiences there.

    In regards to the iPad situation, I haven't been in since this issue came up and won't be in for awhile, so I don't really know what the buzz is on this matter exactly. I do know that they wouldn't put a freeze on selling new iPad 2 stock if they regularly had it for a random promotion, if only for the very reason that many think caused the initial problem: quota.

    I'm betting 1 of 2 things happened:

    1) They did indeed get in trouble with Apple for something. Sure, it's possible, and it's the easiest reasonable conclusion. I don't know why this would be though, and I'm skeptical about the whole hording thing. And again, this is coming from someone who has access to the inventory systems and all the places that would hide "horded" iPads. Plus, I have a good enough relationship with multiple managers (ones who know the score about Best Buy in an objective world...) who would be honest about this with me.

    Generally speaking, when they say there are no iPads for sale, there are no iPads for sale. It's really that simple. Demand is real, and supply is lacking. When we have them for sale, they're in the cages, and this would occur after passing through the pre-order system. White Verizon iPads tend to be the ones most often available, usually just a couple, and they're gone almost immediately all the same.

    Another factor in the equation though is processing shipments. I saw someone noted that after an open-box controversy between two customers, the manager was able to procure a new iPad 2 for a disappointed customer when apparently there were none for sale. Well, there probably weren't. He either bumped someone back on the pre-order list to be nice to the pissed off customer in the store or perhaps a shipment came in on the truck that had yet to be processed and he worked it out with the ops team to get them to process one so he could get it out. Oftentimes the managers do actually try to make the customer happy, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. The ops guys have their procedures, and it's rarely slimy in intent so much as rooted in overall efficiency, so sometimes a shipment won't go to the floor for sales until the next day because the processing takes time. If the manager pushes to work something out in that situation, the manager is doing you a favor and pissing off some ops guys to do so.

    Anyways, on to the 2nd scenario...

    2) This is what I'd really venture to bet is the problem: the pre-order system is a huge mess. It was a rush job authorized by corporate at the last minute and handled by less-than-informed employees who were also in a rush. From day 1 it was clear that problems were going to creep up, and they absolutely have. Nobody in store is happy about it. The employees don't like telling customers that they have to wait on a pre-order list, they don't like the 48 hour pickup window, they don't like having to deal with customers pissing and moaning and crying about conspiracy theories when only a 64 GB white Verizon iPad 2 is available once in a blue moon when a pre-order turns it down. It's not fun, for anyone, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.

    So what I'm guessing is really happening is that Best Buy is just digging out of this pre-order mess as fast as possible and skipping anything else until they get past the ramifications of a stupid decision. Considering there's little to skip seeing as supply is so low and we rarely have the most in-demand models available anyways, it's easier for them to just bow out of this for a couple of weeks and in a sense re-launch the normal sales when supplies are less constrained and they don't have a stupid pre-order process hanging over their heads. It's a cut and dry move that will allow them to gear up again in a more normal, focused way. Considering how things have gone there in the last month in dealing with anything iPad related, this might be the best decision for them.

    All in all, Best Buy is Best Buy: a brick and mortar retailer lost in an internet-connected world. Best Buy isn't nearly as evil as they are lost and longing for the 20th century. Sure, there's a lot of margin on accessories, but it's because there's more often than not no margin on anything else. They don't make much money at all on TV's and Computers anymore. If they're on sale, and at Best Buy, almost everything is always "On Sale," it's likely at cost or within a few dollars of cost. There's little margin in the shrinking physical media world either. The only departments with major products that have margin still are appliances and for certain stores, musical instruments. This is why Best Buy will likely be dead in 5 years if they don't drastically change their business model. They did a better job at adapting to the new world than other electronics chains, but they haven't done nearly enough. It's not an easy business at this point though as it has as much to do with dealing with suppliers suffering the same pinch and customers who want to have it all but don't want to pay for it.

    Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.

    As far as the employees, the biggest shock to me after working at Best Buy was realizing that so much of the supposed employee ignorance has more to do with incessantly having to dumb things down to the most absurd of levels with customers. 90% of the people who come in are nice people who just don't know much of anything about what they're buying. You have to learn to communicate on their level and not over-complicate things for them. It's easy to get stuck in that default mode and you have to actively snap yourself out of it on the rare occasion when you get customers who can actually hold their own in a conversation about the technology. And make no mistake, it's a huge relief for most of us when that happens because most of us that work there actually are pretty excited about the technology.

    Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me. The employees actually know their stuff and are honest with the customers. They also work as a team because the management pushes it and thankfully we don't have commission to muck things up. And customers do love us for it. You'd be shocked by how often a selling relationship turns into a friendship practically at our particular store. We get invited out after work all the time. Honesty goes a long ways, and when you're helping people save money by making sure they make a smart decision for their needs, it goes a long ways. And our managers are objective enough (and not locked into Best Buy corporate brainwash mode) to know that the only thing Best Buy has to offer over Amazon is the possibility of a good customer service experience. They do all they reasonably can to ensure that it happens.

    But again, this simply isn't the case everywhere at all, and it so often boils down to the luck of the draw on management. Good managers hire good people leading to good teams leading to generally happy customers and good sales. Bad managers hire their dumb friends, play games with customers, lie, cheat, and usually they don't put up good numbers.

    At the end of the day though, the good stores and the bad stores are equally screwed because the industry is a mess, the world is changing, and Best Buy corporate utterly and completely lacks the talent and leadership to be innovative in the 21st century. They refuse to reasonably acknowledge change, they're too scared to piss off manufacturers who have lines all across the store that vary dramatically when it comes to success and quality, and they're wildly inconsistent and disorganized with their processes and as they put it, "solutions." As said, if things don't drastically change, and I don't believe they will without a major shift in leadership, they'll be dead in 5 years. It's a sinking ship. I'll be happy to be out of there.

    Again, I don't think they're near as evil and corrupt as they are just lost. When you're lost, things can get confusing real fast. Bear in mind that oftentimes when employees appear aloof, they're probably confused because corporate changes things all the time and does little to help keep us informed of these changes. Also, don't mistake conspiracy theories for sheer stupidity. Like we saw in this whole conversation, people will say some wild things. It's easy to think it from the outside. I can assure you from the inside, that oftentimes what looks like scheming and maneuvering is really just disorganization, stupidity and/or confusion due to the muddled processes and the ever-foggy way in which corporate outlines these processes.

    I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.

    The only "Worst Buy" I am against is the one in Owings Mills, MD where they discriminated against me just because of a small disability. Pending a court case with corporate on this matter.. and I used to work for them back in 2005 and left them on a great note. Eligible for re-hire.. then tried to go back to them(Owings Mills) and the manager was very disrespectful and also discriminatory.

    I plan to have that store shut down permanently.

    orange background images. a clear orange background
  • a clear orange background

  • toxicbomber
    Jan 14, 04:04 PM
    Hope they don't shut down Steve's screen at the keynote...

    It won't happen. The signals from Steve's clicker go over radio and are paired with projectors are behind the screen. No way in the world is it possible to interfere with the keynote. They are prepared for any event that might happen. Trust me. :apple:


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  • jaw04005
    Apr 9, 01:16 PM
    Ahh, I didn't realize it was intended that long ago. Now that it is an open standard, though, Adobe shouldn't really have much say in it now, right?

    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.

    orange background images. Orange background
  • Orange background

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Oct 30, 09:59 AM
    in a sense he's right. with a bsd license, you can really do whatever you want

    True - again, though, this is purely a user's perspective. With the BSD license, the developer loses all rights to say what happens to his code. The GPL gives the developer the right to stipulate a redistribution term. So the "most freedom" award can't be given in a vacuum.

    Different tools for different jobs; both good; pick the right one, etc.

    orange background images. Abstract Orange Background
  • Abstract Orange Background

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 27, 03:39 AM
    It should work in IE now.

    Perhaps a little quick on the draw here but it isn't working for me. The boxes have gone but the actual voting buttons still take me back to the forum index page.

    I have cleared my cache and logged out and back in again.

    May 2, 12:03 PM
    The location collection opt-in is NOT simply tied to agreeing to your TOS/EULA. It's a fairly clear and concise dialog and entirely optional:

    Image (

    when was this implemented before last year or recently, the lawsuit filed over collecting emails and political views as well as location data was a year ago, only recently they have to respond over the allegations.

    If you cant show the date your full of BS, then again your also free to be naive and excused if crimes where committed by apple

    remember during last year there where many financial issues, companies collapsed, info like this which apple got hold off illegaly could of been the reason

    Nov 23, 06:37 PM
    Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Otherwise it'll just be about the same as the educational discount.

    I need something to tip me over the edge to get a Macbook :)

    Mar 24, 03:35 PM
    HBD, OS X!

    Oops... Try again:


    May 3, 11:24 PM
    ...never mind. responded to wrong person.

    I found a store online selling them

    Aug 2, 11:45 AM
    In terms of Apple's DRM however, I think you'll find that each type of DRM is a platform. Much like CDs, cassettes, and so on. I can't play vinyl in my CD player, however I can make a recording of the output, much as I can burn a CD from iTunes of iTMS purchased music.
    There's two important things here though... what you can do, and what you can do legally. Plus, any "red book" CD can be played on any CD player. And anyone who wants can make a CD. That's not the case with Fairplay (the iTunes DRM), or pretty much any DRM on the market right now.

    And Lyra... OMG. You don't seem to have any grasp of the situation and are pretty keen on making some very insulting remarks. To suggest Apple (or any other online store) drop a region just because they can't be bullied into changing their local laws to suit a large multinational company is completely insane. You're loco.

    And just so everyone knows, I'm not from the US or the EU. I'm not taking sides, and I'm not getting involved in the "my country is worth more to iTMS than yours". ;)

    As others have mentioned, these things have a tendency to act as test cases. Once one country sorts this out, others will follow.

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