
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

quotes to live by

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  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 7, 01:30 PM
    About damn time too...


    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    i am super jealous!!! how much did all that set you back, or not because you're made of money... kidding.


    that's the perfect mommy mobile. not a darn mini-van. that's my future car to replace my vic. when its the right time.

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  • RichP
    Aug 9, 12:59 PM
    Im waiting to see what the revision brings, and if the panel actually changed. I had the pink cast issue on the 23s I owned, and, even worse, it takes time to develop, which makes a quick return and replace impossible, as apple then considers them "repairable" and not eligible for a return.

    For all we know, they could have had the new specs for some time, and now they are advertising it.

    Anyone with a "new" 23?

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  • Visit Blogging Quotes To Live

  • urbanslaughter
    Oct 6, 10:43 AM
    I have to say, when I first heard about the iPhone I let my Verizon account go, because I knew I wanted to get the iPhone. Well AT&T sucks up in my part of the woods. We have terrible coverage. My girlfriend uses Verizon - let's just say, I can't wait for Verizon to start offering the iPhone.

    quotes to live by. life quotes to live by. life
  • life quotes to live by. life

  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 09:31 AM
    Let me give you a REAL scenario. I used to use my laptop backpack to carry my lunch to work and I was at the airport heading out of town. What I didn't know is that one of my butter knives had slid down under the lining of the backpack. Of course I went in security and was pulled to the side where I was professionally patted down. They then pulled me off to the side to further inspect the bag. I told them the story and they allowed me to slip it in an envelope to mail it home.

    1. It worked as they did catch a potential weapon.
    2. They were profesional about it the entire time (Boston TSA).
    3. If you cooperate with them it is generally no big deal.

    People that are making this difficult simply like to complain for the sake of complaining. Take the bus....

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  • rappers quotes to live by.

  • Gugulino
    Mar 31, 04:52 PM
    What kept me often from buying apps was the too complicated paying system: You have to register, give them the number of your credit card, remember the password of the login and so on. The MAS makes this a lot easier and safer. Apple's decision to only allow MAS apps for the Design Award is to push developers to publish their apps on the MAS. What's wrong with that?

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  • Eric374
    Mar 19, 05:32 PM
    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    I'm from the US and I even understood what you were saying. It's just figurative language. It looks like people just want something to rant on you about.

    Same here, and I understood what you meant as well. From now on, instead of the word "ages", say "I've had my iPhone for a time, times, and half a time". That should make 'em stop and think a little!:D

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  • gaseby
    Aug 3, 04:58 AM
    The newspaper VG in Norway have an article today where they have interviewed a spokes person from the Council:
    - They see the answer to be positive and in the right direction, however a lot remains
    - The outstanding issues are:

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  • maflynn
    Apr 10, 06:46 AM
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    That's the difference between an apple user and apple fanboy ;)

    I use the tool that best suits my needs, up till now its been apple hardware and apple software for me but that doesn't mean it will be the case in the future.

    The cost of apple computers is such that I need to be sure it actually solves a need before I plunk down a lot $$ on it, just so I can show off that cool apple logo on the back

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  • weg
    Jan 15, 05:23 PM
    the apple remote is an optional extra! like the superdrive, theres an optional extra ethernet USB adapter.

    The price of the "Superdrive" ($99) is the real revolution. I've paid more than twice as much just for replacing the Combodrive of my Powerbook G4 with a Superdrive...

    Now if Apple would start charging reasonable prices for RAM...

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  • dc52nv
    Apr 7, 01:50 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    my pants are ruined!

    quotes to live by. Quotes to live By.
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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 12:53 AM
    That's no industry setting price point. For that price you can buy the DVD. watch it, load it on your ipod and the sell it on e-bay.

    G'Day Tangles, welcome to the boards. You're right though, US$20 is a lot of money compared to DVD prices.

    Oh I hope you get the Tangles reference, otherwise I've just made a goose of myself.

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Nov 16, 12:50 PM
    Not. Going. To. Happen.

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  • Shannighan
    Apr 7, 06:25 AM

    That is too funny!

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 18, 07:30 PM
    As a sinister lefty, I take umbrage in the comparison of persecution of homosexuals and that of left handed people. We are looking at orders of magnitude difference, particularly in the last 2 millennia.

    quotes to live by. Quotable quotes to live by
  • Quotable quotes to live by

  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:23 PM
    brilliant! i find myself "surfing" free apps to find certain iAds. I've always wanted a database of all of the iADs in one place to reference and inspire. I see 2 in the macrumors screen shot that I personally have worked on. Cool!

    quotes to live by. Love #39;em or loathe #39;em, quotes
  • Love #39;em or loathe #39;em, quotes

  • vixapphire
    Jan 15, 05:08 PM
    for a single phone to sell 4million, i think thats amazing!

    rim only has 20% more smartphone holding and think of all the versions that it has and how many years has the blackberry been around? atleast 5, problaby way more then that.

    yes, 5 million were expected, so without saying it outright, steve admits the iphone has not performed as expected.

    note also his omission of the two biggest iphone news items: the price drop shortly after release, and the big "F.U." and subsequent backtrack concerning unlocking the phones.

    of course, he's within his right to try and accentuate the positive...:apple:

    quotes to live by. love life quotes to live by
  • love life quotes to live by

  • Weaselboy
    Apr 22, 10:04 AM
    I do think there should only be "ups", but the icon could be a checkmark. When you click it some subtext would appear below/next to it. Something like "You liked this comment" or "You agree with comment" or "This comment was helpful".

    I completely agree with you on this. Posts should be marked if they are helpful etc and just ignored if they are not. The site can still use the data in the same way for whatever site improvements they want later.

    Having "downvotes" will I suspect lead to what we see on Reddit comments where any post that does not fall in line with the hivemind gets downvoted. Getting downvoted leads to people getting discouraged and not participating in the discussion IMO. Outright abusive posts can still be reported to the mods.

    quotes to live by. Quotes to live by
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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 07:04 PM
    Easy fellows.. :) .. those are not pointers ... they have "//" to indicate it's a comment.(you should both know this) I usually use ** as comments. It's an obvious miss understanding. They are just there to indicate you that Timer1 is the 1st Timer, ITS NOT PART OF THE CODE.

    I lack fundamentals, but not that much.. so hold your horses. dejo, please stay out of it, go to check some Pro Forums and cut some slack, what I don't like to hear is people trying to discourage new developers to stay off real code cause they miss a fundamental.

    wlh99, I'll step back when ever I want to, this is a public Forum and people are here to discuss and learn new stuff.

    Any way.. if you guys can't help me, just go to another thread.

    quotes to live by. Truth Quotes Wisdom Quotes
  • Truth Quotes Wisdom Quotes

  • satkin2
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    I really can't see Apple removing the usage for 'pro' users. They're just making it more welcoming for the millions who are now in the Apple ecosystem through iOS devices.

    My understanding is that unlike Windows, Apple offers one (or two if server edition) version of the OS, be the most experienced pro or the new comer you use the same system.

    I would expect Apple to make the Mac OS to be far more like iOS in that you do what you see, so the new comer isn't faced with libraries etc; however, somewhere in the system there will be options to view and access the deeper lying elements of the OS that the average user won't need to ever see.

    May 2, 11:35 AM
    Regarding iPhone 3G users, Apple will have to find a way of addressing this 'bug' via some form of update for the simple reason that this is a potential violation of the law and basic human rights (and Apple knows it).

    Having worked professionally in areas where information relating to location (past, present and future) can genuinely put lives at risk, I personally will not stand for this and I urge other 3G users to do the same.

    If this is not addressed for 3G users, I would say you have very good grounds to push for a replacement: Apple have violated their terms of service and as a customer, you do not have to accept it.

    Apr 4, 02:59 PM
    no what i mean is IF he has all his info showing that he owns the 360 then they (MS) should communicate with the police to get this taken care of. if the police has all the info showing his house was broken into and other info. then MS should give out the info to the police to be able to track it down. if your 360 was stolen and they used it to start buying arcade games using your CC info then what would you say about it, you would want it back wouldn't you

    the whole reason each 360 has its own ID number is to track them down in case they was stolen. seem's like MS isn't doing what they set out to do with the unique ID identification of the 360 or XBOX. now if your 360 was stolen wouldn't you want to see your 360 returned or let the thieves keep it so you would have to buy another one. so your basicity telling me that MS should do nothing, even tho they implemented a ID system to track down a said system if this was to happen and not use it to help get the said system back and to catch the thieves.

    you seem to be one of those people that side with the thieve to me. if you ask me i think everything should be done that can be don't to catch them and get the system back no questions asked.

    Sep 25, 11:20 AM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)

    Dec 13, 10:34 PM
    <-----Takes one

    Why on earth would they create such a manufacturing and delivery nightmare??? OF COURSE they would put Verizon and AT&T on 2 separate refresh dates, it only makes sense. The situation you describe is perfectly normal and happens all the time. It's only practical for Apple to do the same.

    I was acutally going to say this same thing. It makes more sense for Apple to put a Verizon/CDMA/LTE...whatever phone on a different release cycle than the GSM phone, as they typically can't even handle the logistical nightmare of releasing the current phone with adequate supply. How long is the thing backordered now when an iPhone is released? How nightmarish is it for them to produce and keep adequate supply of only a GSM iPhone? Now imagine if those production numbers were divided between a Verizon AND the GSM'd never be able to get one! A 6 month split would be almost perfect for'd give the production lines ample time to get decent numbers of both phones built up. The dual release (unless Apple can get a single chip LTE/CDMA/GSM solution) would be a potential nightmare for FoxConn's assembly plant.

    Mar 17, 07:57 PM
    Not bashing android by any means... But my work had deployed me a droid x. I had it for about six months. On average I would say I needed to pull the battery for lock ups every couple days. I had Verizon send me a replacement under warranty and the new one did the same thing.

    There's def pros and cons to each platform. I enjoyed the notification system a lot more on the droid. Since then I've switched to an iPhone 4 at work. I have a personal 3GS and have fallen in love with the cosmetic design of the iPhone 4 and the retina display.

    About the Lock up, I think most of them don't know we can just do a hard reset without pulling out the battery in the iPhone. Just hold the power and home button down.

    I get it a lot too but I just say "nah, this phone sucks it's the worst phone in the world" and they usually shut up.

    They shut up because they have an insecurity about their phone and the iPhone 4 is the better phone. Shooting down a better phone makes their phone seem even worse. It's like a double headshot.

    I hate to say it again but haters gon hate! It happens with ANYTHING. If you buy a BMW, Audi owners will waltz in saying "SEE MY CAR HAS THIS STANDARD IT'S WAY BETTER THAN BMW!!!!". If you buy a Rolex you get Omega and TAG Heuer owners going "MY WATCH IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ROLEX BECAUSE IT'S CHEAPER AND IT HAS MORE THINGS IN IT!!!".

    It's a thing you have to live with if you buy the most popular, top-of-the-line luxury things. If you can afford it, why not buy it?

    the whole thing makes my brain hurt because it's so stupid and I don't care if the guy next to me had an Evo or an iPhone 4. :rolleyes:

    Actually I think its more the people with a turbo'ed Japanese imports that give an earfull to the European car owners. Or the Casio owners who brag how accurate digital is vs the luxury watches. I know someone who had to ask someone for the time cause her Piaget watched was unreadable due to the amount of flares coming from the diamonds inside LOL.. Obviously a fail watch but what you gonna do, sue them?

    Jealously is all I can think of =)

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